Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona Car Decals – Why Every Business Needs Them


Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona Car Decals – Why Every Business Needs Them

Marketing is essential for every modern business, and the tactics utilized can make all the difference between a runaway success and a failure. The key to a successful marketing campaign is to broadcast one’s brand to as many people as possible. What are some of the best ways to achieve just that? Putting the brand name on the company’s vehicles, of course.
Vehicles have been used as an advertising tool in the United States for almost one hundred years now. The American fascination with decals and bumper stickers is unlikely to end anytime soon. There is no such thing as ‘too much’ advertising – Customgraphix car decals offer a simple and fun way to spread a company’s name across the map. Moreover, they achieve this without one having to spend a small fortune on their marketing efforts. Still not sure whether Customgraphix car decals are the right move for one’s business? Below, Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona has provided three vital reasons that make our car decals a worthwhile investment for virtually any business.

In this article, Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona explains why our car decals can be one of the best marketing tools for getting the word out about a business.

Customgraphix Car Decals – Budget-Friendly

Customgraphix car decals might just be one of the single best budget-friendly marketing ideas. They are extremely cheap to produce, on one can easily install them on their own in a matter of seconds. Just stick them to a window and, suddenly, one’s got their ready-made mobile billboard, visible to anyone in passing, anywhere in the city. The best part is how cheap acquiring and installing this effective advertising tool has been. Customgraphix car decals are cheap, easy to produce, and the turnaround is really fast. One may even put one on every single vehicle they and their company owns, maybe even on multiple windows of a single vehicle. This way, one is getting robust returns on investment for the relatively affordable marketing strategy.

Customgraphix Car Decals – Professional, Attractive, and Tasteful

The notion that we live in a world of gimmicky window decals, from the basic stick figure families to other, less family-friendly options, is undoubtedly true. Regardless, Customgraphix car decals can come out looking completely tasteful, attractive, and professional, and one may use them for their advertising purposes with utter confidence. Since our clients are completely in charge of designing their own car decals, they may make them look however they want.



Customgraphix Car Decals – Noticeable

Every time a business spends money on marketing efforts, a maximum return on investment is reasonably expected. This means that one hopes their advert is seen by as many people as possible. Fortunately, it doesn’t get much better than being seen by every single person one drives past. Placing a Customgraphix car decal in the window of a moving vehicle is a stellar idea in this regard.

Customgraphix Print Car Decals – Mobility

If one chooses to rent a billboard, they can be sure that their ad will only reach the people who happen to drive by it. This is not a lot of people, especially considering the fact that most of them won’t even be paying attention as they will be focused on the road ahead of them. Similar principles apply to commercial and online adverts. They tend to be limited to a specific area as well, the farther outside the start-point region one goes the more steeply the prices rise, which significantly cuts down the size of one’s potential client base.  With Customgraphix car decals, one’s company logo can effectively and cheaply travel the entire country. And, perchance, even the world. Anywhere one has customers, clients, employees, or even just friends, they may advertise their business with Customgraphix car decals.

Customgraphix Print Car Decals – Branding

A logo is the face of a company. It is an image that the consumers can immediately identify, and it is a surefire way for potential clients to remember the name of the company. Because of this, it is imperative to spread one’s logo as far as one possibly can, and to display it in places where the greatest numbers of their potential customers will be able to see it. This feature is especially important for businesses that offer services which put their employees out in the field. By adorning one’s vehicles with their business logo, they help their customers associate their brand with a particular employee they may have liked and/or a job well done. Creating a strong brand presence is very important, and Customgraphix car decals are a guaranteed way to strengthen and spread one’s brand.

Consider how many people one drives by every single day, and then consider the results one could get if each of those people got to see one’s brand, logo, and slogan. Consider, furthermore, the generating potential for word-of-mouth. With Customgraphix car decals, one is able to exponentially increase their brand exposure, or for a very modest investment. Customgraphix decals are simply amazing, cheap, and ultimately very effective at marketing to broad audiences, and can make all the difference in the world for a small business. They increase brand exposure, invite new clients, and get the message out there in a way that won’t break the bank. Get in touch with Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona today and begin exploring the creation process of custom car decals for business.

When one looks at the history of mobile advertising the question shouldn’t be ‘Should my company get car decals?’ but rather – ‘When are we printing vehicle decals and stickers?’. The answer to that question is – As soon as possible.
Don’t let yourself be deceived into spending your hard-earned money on an inferior product. Our printing process is closely overseen by highly experienced and well-trained graphics technicians we are proud to have on our team. They are tasked with examining each coloration layer for accuracy and perfect reproducibility.
With proper installation and care, our car decals can last for five or more years in an interior setting. For exterior settings, depending on the amount of exposure to elements and other factors, the lifespan for our custom car decals is, on average, three years.
Our car decals are designed to be used both on the inside and the outside of a vehicle, which means they are resistant to weather and its elements. However, exposure to extreme weather for a long period of time will eventually degrade the product.
While a car decals that has been installed on the inside will last longer than the one which has been installed outside, both are intended uses for our car decals.
We print everything in full color. This means that regardless of the number of colors and shades incorporated in a car decals design, the price will not change. The price of a custom car decal is determined by their size and quantity.
We also offer bulk discounts that refer to orders of two or more signage products of the same design. One should account for other potential costs, such as shipping and taxes, when applied.
While we offer numerous existing templates across a wide range of different categories, our customers are not required to use one of them. We have provided an online design tool which allows our customers to design their own custom car decals from scratch, by using a blank template or by uploading a wide range of file types for pre-designed graphics. Additionally, we offer free design services in which we can design a graphic for you, or improve an existing design, completely free of charge.
Whether you already have print-ready art or graphics in mind, or need yet to design it, our assistance is available 24/7 and we are always happy to help you get started with car decals.