Customgraphix Floor Stickers and More – Protect Your Customers During the Pandemic


More than one-point-three million people in the United States have contracted corona virus by the date. These are challenging times for everyone, and even more so for the owners of brick-and-mortar businesses. Running a business in a physical location during the pandemic has proven to be no easy feat.
Fortunately, the modern age has equipped us with numerous tools and ways for business owners to protect their customers while staying in business. Anything can make a difference, be it face masks or custom floor stickers.
In this guide, Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona has provided advice on several useful tools and strategies savvy business owners may employ to prevent the spread of the virus within their premises.

Use Customgraphix Floor Stickers to Regulate Floor Traffic

First and foremost, you should attempt to minimize the number of people present within your store at any given time. Viruses spread like wildfires among crowds, and Covid-19 is no exception. It is, therefore, vital that your customers keep a safe personal distance from one another.
Customgraphix floor stickers are an excellent way to regulate the amount and the flow of traffic within your store. For example, you may place them outside of your main entrance, six feet apart, to create a boundary for those queuing to enter. Inside the store, you may arrange them in a similar fashion to direct them around the aisles.
Either of these is useful for managing crowds but both are better.



Provide Hand Sanitizers at the Entrance and/or Exit

Covid-19 has been demonstrated to be able to survive on surfaces for a very long time. That means it’s incredibly easy to transfer it from hands to objects and vice-versa. Those who are asymptomatic may unwittingly bring the virus into your store and transfer it to the items on your shelves.
Providing hand sanitizers, and making sure that your customers are using it, at the doorway of your store can help this issue immensely. This ensures most of the germs a person has contracted on their hands get killed, lowering the chances of the virus spreading in this manner.

Enforce Rigorous Hand-Washing

Your employees are also susceptible to contracting and spreading the virus.  Whether they are r between your goods and an infected person carries a risk of spreading the contamination.estocking the shelves, handling the goods at the checkout, or unloading deliveries, any contact
That is why it has become so important for everyone to wash their hands several times throughout the day. It will prevent the accidental transfer of germs, and keep everyone safer in the process.

Encourage Your Sick Employees to Stay Home

Any employee with the symptoms of the infection is advised to stay at home. It’s far from ideal, we know. Not only do you have fewer hands on deck but your dispatched employees also worry about their income and position. However, for the obvious reasons, it is one of the most important things you can do to keep your customers, and your other employees, safe.

Implore Customers and Employees to Wear Face Masks

We understand that face masks have become a point of contention during the pandemic. Some places have declared them mandatory, while others have incessantly denied their utility. However, the consensus grows firmer that they do, in fact, make a difference. You should ensure that both your customers and your employees wear them to maximise their efficiency. If you are going to provide masks for your employees, we advise that you opt for the N95 face masks as they are the most effective ones.

Protect Your Customers from the Virus

The ongoing pandemic has created plethora of challenges for businesses across the globe. Keeping customers safe in-store has proven to be a particularly difficult hurdle to overcome. Fortunately, the modern age has equipped us with numerous tools and ways for business owners to protect their customers while staying in business, such as the ones we discussed above. By adhering to the advice and strategies we have provided in this guide, you are sure to maximise, if not fail-proof, health and safety of your customers and employees.

About Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona

Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona is a family-owned business that’s been operating for twenty-five years. Not only is this a point of pride for our company, but it makes us one of the most reliable companies in the market. In addition to guaranteeing quality, we also provide excellent customer service and treat each of our clients with care and respect for them and their business.
Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona started as a humble start-up, but we have managed to expand into a brand signage company.
Unlike most other banner manufacturers, we don’t pack our banners as soon as they come off the press. Instead, our team of experienced graphics professionals examines each part of the product for structural and aesthetic quality each step of the way.
From the unpacking and assortement of the raw materials to the final product and packaging, quality requirements must be met.
Customgraphix floor stickers can be designed and cut to any shape required by our client. We offer standard rectangle shape, exact cutting of a custom design, or bordered. Customgraphix floor stickers come in a wider variety of sizes than our regular decals. These range between four inches times four inches, to fifty-two inches times four hundred inches.
While we offer numerous existing templates across a wide range of different categories, our customers are not required to use one of them. We have provided an online design tool that allows our customers to design their own custom floor stickers from scratch, by using a blank template or by uploading a wide range of file types for pre-designed graphics. Additionally, we offer free design services in which we can design a graphic for you, or improve an existing design, completely free of charge.
Whether you already have print-ready art or graphics in mind, or need yet to design it, our assistance is available 24/7 and we are always happy to help you get started with Customgraphix floor stickers.
If you are ready to make us your partner in your business endeavour, don’t hesitate to contact us today.