Custom Workplace Safety Signs That All Business Owners Need


Statistics have shown that every seven seconds in the United States, someone gets injured on the job. Approximately a quarter of these injuries results from slips, trips, or falls, and more than thirty-three percent of them happen due to overexertion. The vast majority of these accidents could have been prevented. Sometimes, having workplace safety signs installed can help reduce the number of injuries that occur at the site.

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve safety of your workers is Customgraphix safety signage. Our durable, and attractive safety signs are the perfect signage solution to help our clients get their message out. Whether our client needs to promote a condominium, homes for sale, pre-sale lots, commercial lease opportunities, or whether they are in need of providing safety construction-site signage to protect those inside and in the vicinity of their work zone, we’ve got them covered with high-end safety signage to fit our client’s exact needs and dimensions.

Customgraphix workplace safety signs are installed at the site to warn people about the potential hazards and to remind them of what they need to do to stay safe.

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What Customgraphix Workplace Safety Signs Does Your Business need?

There are specific rules and regulations put in place that dictate what kind of safety signage your business requires in order to reduce the rate of injuries at the workplace. Normally, it is OSHA that mandates what kind of signage is required at your workplace, and it usually falls into one or more of the following categories:

  • Warning signs – These signs usually describe a potential hazard. They can also remind people that engaging in unsafe practices could result in an injury.
  • Caution signs – These are often used in situations where a person might get injured if they ignore certain precautions. The most common caution signs are those that warn people about slippery floors, to watch their step, or to slow down.
  • Danger signs – These are in place to let people know about special precautions and how to follow them. In general, these signs let people know about the most dangerous hazards. These might warn people of exposed electrical equipment, near chemical storage, or by high-pressure piping.

Most Common Workplace Safety Signs

The exact type of workplace safety signage your business needs will depend heavily on the type of business you are running. However, below we have provided a list of four most common signage solutions that may benefit your business.

Customgraphix Exit Signs

In the case of an emergency, people need to know how to get out of your building as quickly and as safely as possible. Therefore, it is often required that a business has adequate exit signage posted above each door that lets people out of the building.

Customgraphix First Aid Signs

If an accident does occur on your workplace, people should know where to find the first aid station or kit. Designing and installing this signage so that it is easy to see and read enables people to promptly find it and treat minor wounds.

Customgraphix Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazard Signs

Since these minor accidents account for a quarter of all injuries that happen in workplaces across the States, reducing the chances for them occurring is likely in your best interest. Therefore, designing and installing safety signage around your workplace which cautions people of the possibility of these minor accidents is one of the best way to make them aware that these hazards exist and, hopefully, that prevents them. Appropriate signage can cause people to act more cautions and be more focused which is exactly what is needed to keep them safe.

Custom Workplace Signs for Your Business

In addition to the safety signs that are required in many businesses, you may also consider getting some custom signage made. These could be more specialized to your industry and to the rules and regulations you have put in place at your company. Some of these include:

Notice Signs

When it comes to notice signs, these are work signage that displays important information that may not necessarily pertain to potential hazards are dangers. Some of the most common notice signs are those that say smoking isn’t allowed on the property or only within designated areas. They might also inform people that if they damage your property, they may incur a fine. Or they could let them know that loitering or skateboarding isn’t allowed on the premises.

Reminder Signs

The current pandemic has changed how many businesses operate, and you might consider having custom reminder signs made to ensure that employees and customers are acting in a safe manner. Some of the signs you might consider having made include reminding people to maintain the recommended distance between one another or that wearing a mask is in their best interest. You might also create signs that direct people how to walk through your business to keep them safe and reduce close contact with employees or other customers. You might also create signs that remind them of proper hand-washing techniques.

Maybe your business is offering stations that people can use to sanitize and disinfect themselves or public equipment such as carts. These stations might have wipes or hand-sanitizer available.

You might want to create signs that let them know the exact location of these items and how to use them properly.

The Benefits of Workplace Signage

In many cases, OSHA requires you to have specific signage in your business. However, going above and beyond hanging the required safety signs and creating your own custom signs comes with a lot of benefits. These include the following:

You’ll Show Off Your Commitment to Safety

Having safety signs throughout your workplace lets employees and customers know that you care about their health and wellbeing. They show your dedication to keeping them safe and informed about the dangers that might exist around them.

You’ll Be Giving People Pertinent Information

The vast majority of safety signs that you hang in your business are straightforward and easy to understand. This means that people will be given pertinent information so that they can stay safe.

Whether they are avoiding hazards or being reminded to act in a certain way, the message will reach everyone and anyone who ventures into your workplace.

You Could Reduce Workplace Accidents

While it’s not possible to completely stop accidents from happening in the workplace, having signs could help reduce the number of accidents that do occur. In addition, workplace signs could also reduce some of your responsibility when people get hurt. You have no control over whether people follow your rules, but if you warned or cautioned them about the dangers and they chose to ignore it, that may be on them, not you.

Finding the Right Safety Signs and Supplies

Whether you are looking for common workplace safety signs to hang in your business or you need custom signs made, we can handle it all at Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona.

Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona is a family-owned business that’s been operating for twenty-five years. Not only is this a point of pride for our company, but it makes us one of the most reliable companies in the market. In addition to guaranteeing quality, we also provide excellent customer service and treat each of our clients with care and respect for them and their business.
Customgraphix Phoenix, Arizona started as a humble start-up, but we have managed to expand into a brand signage company.
Unlike most other banner manufacturers, we don’t pack our banners as soon as they come off the press. Instead, our team of experienced graphics professionals examines each part of the product for structural and aesthetic quality each step of the way.
From the unpacking and assortement of the raw materials to the final product and packaging, quality requirements must be met.
Additionally, we offer free design services in which we can design a graphic for you, or improve an existing design, completely free of charge.
Whether you already have print-ready art or graphics in mind, or need yet to design it, our assistance is available 24/7 and we are always happy to help you get started with safety signage.