Our boat decals are full-color, digitally-printed boat signage products which are incredibly easy to install, and have been designed and produced to withstand consistent exposure to water and the elements.
– Our boat decals are printed in full color onto blank vinyl material with adhesive properties.
– Our boat decals have no color limitations.
– Our boat decals can be cut to shape, but not down to individual letters, numbers, or other design elements.
– Our boat decals come with a protective backing, but without pre-masked transfer tape.
– The designated use for our boat decals is featuring complex graphics.
– Our boat decals can feature gradients, shadows, borders, slants, etc.

Our boat decals are extremely durable and represent a perfect solution for decorating boats with custom designs and images. We produce our boat decals with highly adhesive vinyl material. Our boat decals have been specifically designed and manufactured for long-term use on boats in any weather.
Our boat decals can be cut to the exact shape of the given design. Our boat decals can feature lettering and more complex images or designs, but cannot be cut down to individual letters or other design elements.
Our boat decals, whether they feature lettering or image graphics, do not come with a pre-masked transfer tape, but can be printed in any color, or combination of colors, and can feature text effects that boat lettering cannot.
Boat Decals / Installation
Before applying our boat decals to a designated boat surface, the designated area is to be cleaned with either boat or glass cleaner; one will want to remove any dirt or grime from the designated surface. Additionally, the entire boat should be clean of any wax or polish prior to the installation in order for our boat decals to properly apply.
Another thing to attend to prior to the installation, is ensuring that any paint has been fully cured. Attempting to apply our boat decals to uncured paint can permanently damage it. Lastly, the optimal temperature range for both the designated surface and the air for the best result installation is between sixty and ninety degrees Fahrenheit.
To install our boat decals, the protective backing is to be removed and the decal is to be placed on the designated surface. For a short time between placing the boat decal to the designated surface and applying pressure to ensure strong adherence one may reposition it a little bit to ensure it is in exactly the right place. Once this is done, a squeegee is to be used to permanently adhere the boat decal to the designated surface; this will cause the adhesive to release, creating a permanent bond. Before this is done, the decal may be repositioned for a limited time in a limited range.
It is our recommendation that the boat decal is placed as precisely as on the first go in order to avoid needing to reposition it before applying the pressure and making the adherence permanent. The boat decal is to be allowed twenty-four hours to dry before the boat is taken out on the water.
Boat Decals / Care
Our boat decals have been designed and produced to withstand the harshest of elements that come with boating and inclement weather conditions that follow. To remove surface dirt from the boat decal, a simple mixture of soap and water may be used. We advise against using power washes for cleaning, and power buffers for applying wax or polish, as these may permanently damage the boat decal once it has been installed.
Boat Decal / Features
– Durability – We manufacture our boat decals out of the state-of-the-art vinyl material, as they have been designed for semi-permanent use on the open waters. The adhesive technology utilized with our vinyl material is also exceptionally strong. Our boat decals are extremely versatile, and ideal for both required and desired boat graphics.
– Easy installation – Our boat decals can be installed within minutes. Our highly adhesive boat decals can easily be installed within minutes to any non-porous surface of a boat, without the hassle of requiring additional glues or heavy duty tools.
– Produced fast and shipped free – Our boat decals can be produced within a day of placing the order, and we ship them for free. There’s no reason to wait, the production of our boat decals starts as soon as an order has been placed. The product is then shipped the following business day. We also offer free shipping on all orders that exceed seventy-five USD. *This offer excludes rigid signage products that are larger than three feet in either direction.
– Best in its class, guaranteed – Our customer’s complete satisfaction is our number one priority. Just in case our boat decals fail to meet our customer’s expectations, we have backed them with one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. If one thinks they can find the same product elsewhere for a better price, we can match that too, providing a price match guarantee as well. Our customer’s happiness is our prime value.
Boat Decals / Specifications
Thickness – zero-point-zero-fifteen inches, about the thickness of four sheets of copy paper.
Ultraviolet resistance – ultraviolet ink with eight to ten years of vibrancy, even through the harshest of conditions.
Estimated lifespan – A minimum of five years with proper installation and care.
Temperature range – Between minus forty degrees Fahrenheit and two hundred and twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit.
Installation method – Peel and stick.
– Print method – Four color process, eco-friendly, printed with ultraviolet ink that is resistant to weather, fade, and abrasion.
Boat Decals / Product Specifications
What are the differences between boat decals and boat lettering?
– While they appear to be quite similar, our boat decals and our boat lettering do differ greatly in purpose and use. Our boat lettering has specifically been designed and produced for the purposes of featuring numbering and lettering on boats. This may include names, registration numbers, and hailing port designation.
Our boat lettering references individual letters, numbers, and other design elements that are individually cut from a solid piece of pre-colored vinyl material, and do and cannot feature any printed elements. Our boat lettering cannot be used to feature printed images, intricate designs, text effects, or gradients, because it is cut out of a solid piece of pre-colored vinyl material, instead of printed onto blank.
Our boat decals feature a graphics that are printed on high grade vinyl material with highly adhesive properties, and are not cut out as individual pieces. Our boat decals do not come with a pre-masked transfer tape as they are produced as in a single piece of material. Having the graphic produced on a single piece of material means that all the required spacing of the given design will be printed onto the material, and won’t require additional pre-spacing that is necessary with individually cut design elements that are featured in boat lettering. Our boat decals have been designed and produced to display logos and images. Intricate graphics that feature images, colors, gradients, and letter effects can all be printed onto our highly adhesive vinyl material, but cannot be featured in boat lettering.
What are the differences between boat decals, boat graphics, and boat stickers?
– All of these are mutually interchangeable terms that refer to our boat decal products. Their purpose, manufacture, installation and use is the same.
Can our boat decals be submerged for long periods of time?
– Our boat decals have not been designed and produced to be submerged in the water for extended periods o time. Submerging our boat decals for a long period of time can and will deteriorate the adhesive properties of the decal, and the quality of the graphics. Our boat decals are best used above the waterline for the purposes of ensuring they work as intended, and that they are adequately visible as per local or state regulations.
What is a hailing port? How does one identify it on their boat?
– A hailing port is the originating port of the boa. The law requires that all boats have a hailing port visibly displayed on the stem of all documented vessels in the US. The proper display of a hailing port includes a display of the name, the state, and the territory of the port. The name of the states may be abbreviated on the boat display.
Are there any laws regulating boat decals usage?
– The laws regulating boat decals usage differ from state to state, but may be learned through the inquiry at the state and local ordinances. The most common laws pertaining to boat decals usage are in reference to their height – at least three inches high block letters for registration and four inches high for hailing port designation -, spacing of letters and numbers with a hyphen or space, as well as the contrast of the letters and numbers to the color of the vessel. We recommend each of our customers inquires with their state offices and law for more detailed requirements.
Where can one find information on registering their boat?
– Information on boat registration process can typically be found at any state’s DMV, or Parks and Wildlife website.
Does one need to register their boat?
– Regulations pertaining to boat registration can vary from state to state. Most often though, boats that are motorized, used as commercial vessels, or sail boats that exceed fourteen feet in length must be registered.
Do we provide registration or license stickers for boats?
– No. Registration and / or license stickers can only be obtained through state agencies – in most cases the DMV or / and Department of Parks and Wildlife are the issuing authorities -. The registration stickers are to be placed adjacent to the registration numbers on the front half of the boat. The issuing agencies we have mentioned also normally provide boat owners with specific requirements regarding the placement of these stickers.
What material do we use for manufacturing our boat decals?
– Our boat decals are produced out of high quality vinyl material with highly adhesive properties, which makes them ideal for watercraft use.
Do we offer boat wraps?
– Unfortunately, we do not offer full or partial boat wrapping products at the present.
Do we offer boat stripes or striping?
– Our boat decals may be used as a long thin strip for striping purposes. We should note here that the maximum length for such a stripe is thirty-three feet. Additionally, we do not provide any professional installation aid or tools for these long stripe boat decals.
What is the estimated lifespan for our boat decals?
– With proper installation and care, our boat decals can last a minimum of five years.
Will exposure to elements ruin our boat decals?
– Our boat decals have been designed and produced to withstand both direct sunlight and harsh elements for long periods of time.
Do our boat decals come with a protective laminate?
– Yes. Our boat decals are printed digitally which enables them to feature permanent, durable imagery. The protective laminate adds onto this further.
What are the minimum and maximum sizes for our boat decals?
– Our boat decals may be as small as four inches by four inches, and as large as four feet by thirty-three feet.
Can our boat decals be cut to shape, or individual letters?
– Absolutely! We can cut our boat decals into any shape our customers require.
However, by selecting ‘custom with border’ shape option in our online design tool, it assumes a small border will remain around the edge of the cut, one can customize their boat decals to any shape and size. Additional shape options one can choose from for their boat decals include square, rectangle, rounded corners (a quarter of and inch radius, or an inch radius), circle, and oval.
However, if one is looking for graphics that are cut to individual shapes or design elements, they are most likely looking for our boat lettering which is a completely different product.
Does including multiple colors in custom boat decals affect the price?
– All of our printed signage products, including our boat decals, are printed in full color. Therefore, whether one wishes to include one or a hundred colors in their design, the price will not be affected. We also offer free design services. One should keep this in mind when browsing for boat decals, and always ask the sign company whether they print in full color or not.
How thick are our boat decals?
– Our boat decals are zero-point-zero-fifteen inches thick, which is equivalent to the thickness of four sheets of copy paper. One needs not worry about the product’s aesthetics. They will be thick and durable enough to last a long time, without detracting from the appearance of the boat.
Does one have to use one of our templates for boat decals?
– While we offer numerous existing templates across a wide range of different categories, our customers are not required to use one of them. We have provided an online design tool which allows our customers to design their own boat decals from scratch, by using a blank template or by uploading a wide range of file types for pre-designed graphics. Additionally, we offer free design services in which we can design a graphic for you, or improve an existing design, completely free of charge.
Are our boat decals visible in the dark? Do we offer alternative types of boat decals such as premium, reflective, or marine?
– Our boat decals are not visible in the dark. As far as premium vinyl, the default vinyl material we use has exceptional quality, and has a durability and lifespan that are similar to what other providers offer as their ‘premium’ product. At the moment, however, we do not offer reflective or marine vinyl types. If one is interested in creating boat decals out of one of these vinyl types, we may still be able to help. Do not hesitate to contact us and inquire further.
Boat Decals / Usage
Will our boat decals ruin windows or paint?
– No, the installation and the removal of our boat decals will not hurt or damage any surface they are installed on. The only way for paint to be damaged as a result of using our boat decals on it is if the paint is scratched by a metal squeegee during installation. For this reason, we offer a felt-tipped squeegee as an additional purchase with your boat decals, at a small additional cost.
However, if the body, or paint of the boat have been previously damanged, the boat decals can cause further damage upon removal as the adhesive utilized on its back may pull away the paint or body fragments which had been weakened by the prior damage.
A boat decal that has been installed for an extended period of time may cause the paint underneath to be less vibrant than the rest due to fading over time.
Are our boat decals completely waterproof?
– Our boat decals have been designed and produced to be displayed in water-rich environments. However, full submersion of our boat decals for extended periods of time is still against our recommendation. We also advise against attempting to install our boat decals while the designated surface is wet. Our boat decals are best placed above the waterline.
Can our boat decals be installed on wooden, or fiberglass boats?
– Absolutely! Our boat decals can be used on treated, smooth wooden surfaces. Untreated and porous wooden surfaces, and fiberglass are not suitable for boat decals installation. Our boat decals are also not to be installed or rubber, silicone, or flexibe plastics.
Can our boat decals also be used on speed boats, power boats, jet skis, ski doos, and wave runners?
– Our boat decals can be aplied to a wide variety of watercraft and outdoor vehicles. The only restriction is that they are not to be used on a surface area of any watercraft that is to be submberged in water for extended periods of time. One is to make sure wheere the waterline of their watercraft is before applying our boat decals to it. Additionally, our boat decals are best applied to smooth, non-porous surfaces for optimal long-term results.
Boat Decals / Installation and Care
How does one install our boat decals?
Before applying our boat decals to a designated boat surface, the designated area is to be cleaned with either boat or glass cleaner; one will want to remove any dirt or grime from the designated surface. Additionally, the entire boat should be clean of any wax or polish prior to the installation in order for our boat decals to properly apply.
Another thing to attend to prior to the installation, is ensuring that any paint has been fully cured. Attempting to apply our boat decals to uncured paint can permanently damage it. Lastly, the optimal temperature range for both the designated surface and the air for the best result installation is between sixty and ninety degrees Fahrenheit.
To install our boat decals, the protective backing is to be removed and the decal is to be placed on the designated surface. For a short time between placing the boat decal to the designated surface and applying pressure to ensure strong adherence one may reposition it a little bit to ensure it is in exactly the right place. Once this is done, a squeegee is to be used to permanently adhere the boat decal to the designated surface; this will cause the adhesive to release, creating a permanent bond. Before this is done, the decal may be repositioned for a limited time in a limited range.
It is our recommendation that the boat decal is placed as precisely as on the first go in order to avoid needing to reposition it before applying the pressure and making the adherence permanent. The boat decal is to be allowed twenty-four hours to dry before the boat is taken out on the water.
What is the best way to clean the surface of a boat a boat decal is installed on?
– The designated surface of a boat is always to be cleaned immediately before the boat decal installation. It is our recommendation that good quality liquid dish detergent is used with some lukewarm water – one ounce of detergent per gallon of water. Soaps which contain waxes, oils, or lotions are not suitable for this cleaning purpose. Some window cleaners may also contain wax, so this should be checked for before using any.
The surface of the boat is to be dried via clean, lint-free paper towel or cloth. A heat source may be used for speeding up the drying process. Once the designated surface has dried out, it is to be cleaned again with a solvent-based cleaner to remove any potential wax residue from it. This is to be done by soaking a clean, lint free towel or cloth with the aforementioned solvent-based cleaner. If the paper towel / cloth becomes dirty while cleaning, it is to be switched with a clean one to prevent dirt from smearing across the designated surface. It is to be fully dried again before the application begins.
Does installation of our boat decals require more than one person?
– Generally speaking, installation of the boat decals can be done with one person for smaller decals. For larger boat decals, we recommend that at least two people install the decal. This will prevent the boat decal from sticking to itself (but if it does then you can still pull it apart) during the process and makes for a much easier squeegee process and overall application of the boat decal.
Do we include a squeegee with our boat decals order shipment?
– We include a squeegee as an optional purchase as default during the checkout process. If one does not want a squeegee, they may deselect this option in our design tool.
Can our boat decals withstand frost / snow, and freezing temperatures?
– Our boat decals have been designed and produced to withstand temperatures as low as minus forty degrees Fahrenheit. If the surface temperature is too cold it can cause our boat decals to become brittle and not adhere properly. Surface temperatures that are too hot can cause our boat decals to bake into the surface of the vehicle which can cause damage to the paint.
Our boat decals are waterproof, can withstand snow, ice, and frost. One of the most common issues our customers face with our boat decals is when the product gets damaged during the process of scraping frost off the surface they are installed on. For that reason, we recommend the scrapping is done carefully around the edges of the boat decals, in order to prevent the scraping.
Do our boat decals come with a backing? How does one remove it?
– Absolutely! Our boat decals come with a frosted backing. The easiest way to remove it is to slightly bend the decal at the corner just like with a sticker. If this does not seem to work, a small piece of scotch tape can be used facilitate the process as demonstrated in the featured instruction video on our website.
To install our boat decals properly, simply follow the step by step instructions we have outlined above and you shall have your boat decals installed exactly as you want it without hassle.
Can one wash their boat immediately after installing our boat decals?
– It is our recommendation that one does not wash their boat immediately after installing our boat decals. The vessel and the boat decals should be allowed at least twenty-four hours to set properly before the boat is washed or taken out on the water.
Will the water salt damage our boat decals?
– With proper installation and care, our boat decals are not easily damaged by salt water. To prevent damage, we advise the boat, especially around the area where the boat decal is installed, is cleaned on a regular basis.
How does one care for our boat decals?
– Our boat decals have been designed and produced to withstand the harshest of elements that come with boating and inclement weather conditions that follow. To remove surface dirt from the boat decal, a simple mixture of soap and water may be used. We advise against using power washes for cleaning, and power buffers for applying wax or polish, as these may permanently damage the boat decal once it has been installed.
What happens if bubbles appear when boat decals are installed?
– If the boat decal has been installed properly, no bubbles should appear. If any small bubbles do appear during the installation process, that portion of the boat decals should simply be lifted and reapplied. Large bubbles which carry the risk of tearing the lettering or rendering it unusable can be punctured with a pin or a needle. Air can then be removed by carefully pressing against the decal by hand, or with a flat object. We advise extreme care when removing large bubbles in order to avoid wrinkling of the material.
Do our boat decals fade over time, especially if they are used in harsh weather and climates?
– Our boat decals are prone to scratching. These scratches can be permanent and can negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the decal.
To prevent this, one should avoid applying excessive pressure to their boat decals with fingernails, installations squeegees, or any other hard or sharp surface, especially during the installation process. If one has chosen our boat decals, the four color ultraviolet ink print process we utilize to onto colors onto the decal will prevent the colors from fading or being rubbed off over time. Our boat decals are rugged which enables them to withstand inclement and harsh weather conditions for up to five years with proper care and maintenance. Additionally, our ultraviolet inks enable them to resist fading, and abrasion for just as long amount of time. Our boat decals are able to persist in temperatures ranging between minus forty degrees Fahrenheit and three hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit, assuming they are installed at milder temperatures.
Will the color of the boat be different upon removal of the boat decal that has been placed over it?
– Most often, this should not be the case. Most boat paints are made to be resistant to fade, sunlight, and other elements, which enables boat decals such as ours to be applied to them for long periods of time without causing any damage or change. It should be noted that results may vary depending on the quality of the vessel’s paint job, and on the length of time for which our boat decals have been installed.
How does one remove our boat decals?
– Our boat decals are meant to peel right off a boat. A flat surface that won’t damage the vessel surface or paint can be used to help peel the decal away. Boat decals which have been in place for a long time may be a bit more difficult to remove. In this case, heating it up can facilitate the process. Any residual adhesive can be cleaned with a basic boat cleaner and a cloth.

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